By chessu - 02/02/2016 13:32 - United Kingdom - Harrow

Today, after years of lonesome birthdays overseas, I am finally able to celebrate the occasion at home. My best friend of 10 years will not be attending because her boyfriend of two months is having his party the same night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 832
You deserved it 2 118

chessu tells us more.

chessu 21

I wasn't sure if maybe I was being too harsh or petty, so all your comments make me feel a bit lesser of a lousy friend myself. Anyway some extra details and answers to your questions: I've lived abroad for a few years now, but due to constant moving around, I haven't been able to really form a decent group of friends. One of my last birthdays no one I invited showed up as I happened to be sharing the date with two other people from the same groups, but whom I was not good enough friends with to hold a joint party with, and all my guests split between the two. One of the next ones I only told a select few, who I then considered to be my friends and promised me 'a nice lunch at least', and then bailed. My BFF knew all about this, and knew how big of a deal it was for me to finally maybe be able to have a nice day. Of course, I understand that life goes on and I can't except people to just turn up when I want them to, which is why I tried to plan this a month in advance, the date being in talks for ages now. When the discussion came up, his date was still being decided on. And, yes - it is his birthday party as well, not just a party. However, he is celebrating his over two days, and could pick a different weekend as well (which was in cards, apparently), but chose not to. I, however, am restricted to that one day due to only having a couple of holiday days. And no, I don't think 'just two months' means that the relationship isn't serious, but I do feel that under the circumstances I should have priority. She made it clear it wasn't a difficult decision, which is, perhaps, what upsets me the most. Yes, we are all adults. No, the date wasn't sprung on her out of nowhere and no plans were set in stone. I only get to see her a couple of days a year (we talk more often, of course!) and they get to see each other if not daily then at least weekly. I don't take her to be a person who normally just bails or forgets her friends, I just think she's new to this whole situation and I don't think this necessarily needs to mean the end of our friendship, but I can't help but feel really hurt by this whole situation. I just never saw this ever being an option with her.

Top comments

You have every right to be upset, OP. It's nothing against you, it's just shitty people and shitty circumstances. I know how it feels to spend birthdays alone and it really sucks, but there are always better things to come. Hope you have a wonderful birthday because I'm definitely wishing you one!!


So why can't she come to yours for a while first and then go to his?

So is "Chicks before dicks" not a thing?

You have being away for years, why expect everyone to drop everything for you? Yes it sucks but think of it from her point of view.

If my best friend could only visit every so often, I'd actually value my time with them even MORE. You ask the OP to think about it from the friend's point of view when you barely put an effort into thinking about it from the OP's point of view. Some of us actually *value* our friends.

Take into account that for many people, their significant other is also their "best friend". So, sorry to say... But as you, yourself already pointed out, maybe she is still your best friend but she now considers him to be both her: boy/best friend... Have you tried to go out and meet someone you could start a relationship with?

... Or, could you 2 spend the day together and celebrate, and both attend the boyfriend's party that evening? Then you'd get to spend bonding time with your best friend, and get to meet her boyfriend, who knows? Maybe you'll hit it off and all 3 of you can hang out next time, or maybe you'll meet a possible significant other there!

I'm sorry, but this is ****** up. You are all judging this girl, whose story you don't have. Like, lets realise that if the friend said she was going to the OPs party we may have been reading a different fml by the boyfriend (and once again calling the friend a bitch). And what bugs me more is that

OP says "yeah we're still friends" but never stops to say "please don't call my friend a bitch. What's more is that this is all posted before any of the events happen! Most of you assume that boyfriends party is meaningless, when it could be the first time the friend is meeting his parents, grandpar

Grandparents or some other important person! Like it sucks not to have friends around on your birthday (trust me I know since I was born Dec 23) but it really sucks to have people at your party expecting to meet your significant other and they're not there with YOUR special event!

Don't worry, I'm probably going into the Marine Corps alone :(

The person whose genitals give your genitals pleasure always comes before people who do not give you orgasms