By Dansonn - 17/03/2009 03:17 - United States

Today, after work I went to the parking lot to my car to go home. I found my car doors heavily scratched and all my tires cut, with a note on my windshield. The note read, "F*** you, Jackson." I'm Tyler. Jackson is my co-worker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 200 782
You deserved it 10 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

think you should get jackson to cough up some cash

report it to the police. that's criminal damage..


the_Jessicaaa 11

well maybe u shouldnt work with douchebags

Wait was it signed by Jackson or saying that to Jackson? Because I'm confused.

VanessaNal 13

This needs a follow up, ASAP.

Find Jackson, get the lady's number, call her up, tell her she got the wrong car and she owes you money for repair

if he cut all 4 tires insurance should cover it, that's y I always cut 3 lol

poato_1 10

Anybody else wonder why people feel "you deserved it" on some of these?

Find Jackson, find the person who did it and make them pay.

Find out who she is from Tyler, charge and sue her for damages.