By ohIlike - 15/09/2009 12:10 - Australia

Today, after thirteen years of engagement, my fiancé and I split. As is, with the day, we changed our facebook relationships to make it official. I logged back on tonight to find his mother, the woman I've spent the last year looking after and having a good time, 'liking' the break up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 942
You deserved it 7 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Standupboi 0

why the **** were u engaged for 13 years???


mister_moops 0

ydi for both taking 13 years and considering it official only once it is done on facebook.

Bob31_fml 4

hate to tell you, but you weren't engaged. He was just using you without having to provide for you. YDI.

mrlucky4444 0

Why were you engaged for that long?

omgwhatanfml 0

How much of nerd are you??? honestly.. its only "official" when its on facebook! lmfao

Serafie 0

Frankly you should have seen it coming after thirteen years of being engaged.

I would think that being engaged for thirteen years is worse. come one...thirteen years..if you didnt get married after 13 years it obviously wasnt that important.

Haha you should have gotten the hint you weren't getting married ofter 13 "years" of engagement! xD

13 years??? WTF, weren't you sure he was the one after 13 years!!! After 13 years it is no longer an engagement its a defacto relationship as they say in Oz and how old are you that you have to post it on Facebook to make it official?