By fmlsheffgirl - 25/07/2016 11:52 - United Kingdom - Sheffield

Today, after months of putting up with it, I finally asked my manager not to put me on shifts with this old guy who is racist, sexist and lazy. This was how I found out that he died over the weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 651
You deserved it 1 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Not that I ever delight in the death of anyone, but at least you won't have to work in an environment where you feel uncomfortable anymore. Chin up, OP, no way you could have known!


You're working with Donald Trump and he got assinated? Best announcement ever lol !!!

The Donald worked hard for his 4 billion. Don't undermine his success

These things have a way of working themselves out.

I guess It's better than if it had been the person you had been dreaming to work with for months...

Well that's problems solved at least!

Oh well, dying doesn't automatically make you a nice person.

On the plus side, you don't get put on shifts with the old guy who is racist, sexist and lazy.

so? He died but that doesn't mean he wasn't all those things all of a sudden, actually I think it's really low to suddenly start talking good about someone when he dies while you hated and talked bad about them before. You didn't know and you don't have any reason to feel guilty OP.

It's not that you need to speak well of a person after they die. It's that you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. It's disrespectful and insensitive to the loved ones left behind.

Bull. It's not rude to avoid lying. I despise cowardly blowing smoke up relatives' "butts". I find condescending BS FAR more disrespectful.

floup_fml 13

the bastard died before we get him fired! He was always that lucky. Oh well..