By NiteShayd - 09/11/2013 16:40 - Canada

Today, after hours of organizing and spending around $300 for my three-year-old's birthday party, I realized I forgot to send out the invitations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 946
You deserved it 43 374

NiteShayd tells us more.

Let me clarify, since its very cold outside, I decided to rent a play area for my son and his friends. I was to send the invitations in his bag when he went to preschool, but I evidently forgot. The $300 was for everything, the cake, gifts, play area rental, food and a clown. I ended up making some last minute calls and quite a few people showed up.

Top comments

$300? My birthday parties didn't exceed the cost of the cake and a balloon. Save that money for his college fund; it'll be appreciated more.

I guess Junior is going to learn the meaning of the word "disappointment" early in life.


How retarded are you people? Whats 300 for? Well hmm lets see chairs, food, napkins, plates, cups, pinata, drinks, you can get a bouncy house, things for candy bags inc. candy & the bags, also if you wanna make party like in a pizza place such as chuck e cheese & or a party place also have a pool party etc

Don't worry -- you'll be spending a hell of a lot more than $300 on your Kid's future therapy bills. YDI

stephinie 8

Wow you must be really stupid to spend that much! Like a 3 year old is really gonna remember that party! Cake and ice cream would of been good enough for a kid that little!

SuperMew 22

Op is not stupid. All parents want the best for their kids. Giving their child a party is great fun whatever you can afford to do.

their kid will be happy for a day that's good enough. as long as op can afford it why not

I'm sorry, but you lose the right to call others stupid when you think "would of" is an actual English saying.

frizz101 22

Wow, you sound jaded, what did your mommy and daddy not spend birthdays with you?

CrazyGirlfriend 21

I would have to agree and say to save the money for other things like college or their "lucky 13" or "sweet 16". But also, if she has the funds for it....then why not? It is always nice to let your child have a lot of fun on special occasions.

stephinie 8

Not jaded believe that! My parents spent every birthday with me & still do!

Maybe people feel it was a bit much, but I think it is sweet you went through all the trouble. I wonder what you would have planed for they turn 16

Spending that much for a 3 year old who won't even remember the party is ridiculous, you should feel stupid for more that one reason

For all of my daughter's parties I invited family and fed them lunch. Not a single one if them said "Why did you buy me food!? The baby won't remember me eating it!" Not a single one said that. Hmm. Based on all the comments here I guess my family is just stupid because we think that enjoying a lunch with each other is a good thing.

for my sons 2nd birthday we made cupcakes and went to the park... he loved it! :) though his birthday is in late march...

I spent $1,000 my daughter's forth birthday. there is nothing wrong with letting your kids have a good birthday ...sorry op about the invitation at least your kid knows you care