By luciazee - 06/06/2013 20:51 - Peru - Lima

Today, after having spent years staying in school, working hard to achieve good grades, and avoiding all the bad kids, my mom accused me of having no direction in life and complained about how I haven't given her a grandchild yet. I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 016
You deserved it 3 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't know whether your mum was joking or not, but good on you for staying in school and achieving as much as you have! you should be proud of yourself :D

avapaige1234 19
Mamaluigi619 4

she expects you to have kids before 20? what a mom

rokolodo 10

Well! I guess you are not a fan of MTV's sixteen and pregnant? Congratulations.

Give her 5, like right now, see what she thinks then

MilkyFilmz 26

Your mom is an idiot. If I was your parent, words couldn't explain how proud I've been of your hard work. Congrats :)

Epikouros 31

You could've had 7 kids by now.

Your following a prime good example and she want the opposite...I think if you were like that way that she wants you to be at this point she would probably regret it...

U r doing great OP...give no crap to what she said >.>

"Aww, mom. I don't need to have a kid. You can already pass for a grandmother. (:"