By Anonymous - 05/04/2012 12:36 - Netherlands

Today, after having been told that I looked horrible for the last five months, I decided to give myself a make-over. As soon as the make-up artist was done, I told her I didn't like it, and that I still didn't like how I look. She simply replied: ''Well, I'm a make-up artist, not a magician!'' FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 998
You deserved it 27 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But the way this is worded, it seems as though OP wasn't being too polite, either.


Y.D.I because you were rude. You could have undone what she had given you later without insulting her. I would have insulted you too, probably with a heavier insult tbh...

Saying you don't like someone's work isn't insulting her. What the make-up artist did was rude & insulting.

Neither of them were really insulting. What was the make up artist going to say? The correct way to act would be to either thank them and leave or ask them to do something specific, point out what the issue is and see what their thoughts are. You don't just sit there going I DON'T LIKE THIS as though she's somehow going to wave a wand and fix it all for you.

melrose90210 10

I'm really sorry to say it, but that FML just made my day

Well it was kind of rude to say that you didn't like it

Well firstly rude! Secondly maybe get you eyebrows done? That can make a difference in how you look!

Try doing something to your hair if make-up didn't do it for you? It might not seem like it helps as much, but changing your hair will change your overall appearance A LOT. Getting the right haircut for you (one that you like and goes well with your features) can make a much bigger difference than some make-up. It sure did for me. I won't comment on the make-up artist part because there's not enough information to tell if anyone was actually trying to be rude.

I'm a makeup artist and that isn't what I would have said; we're trained on tact. However, I think she meant that she can't magically change the way you look, she can only add makeup to it. Makeup can have an amazing effect at brightening a person's looks and enhancing their best qualities, but unless you're busting out the special effects, it won't change your basic looks. So all in all, it wasn't a very tactful way of saying it, but it was ultimately truthful. As for your comment, it would have been more useful to her if you'd given her an indication of what specifically you didn't like about the look or what you wanted to do with your makeup that hadn't been done. If you don't explain what you were hoping to achieve and just tell her you don't like it, what can you really expect her to do?

FMLlolhahalol 0

If somebody said that to me I'd give them a hug. I feel bad for the visually impaired.

At least she tried. Give her some credit.

Sorry, but she's right and it doesn't even mean that she thinks you're ugly, it means 1) you insulted her job so she's not going to redo it for you. As a budding make up artist, I can say that people just calling your work ugly is a huge pet peeve. It's fine if you don't like the style we choose, but simply say "it'd look great on someone, but I'm not sure I have the right look to pull it off" or something like that. Don't call it ugly unless you look like a clown or they did something you specifically told them not to do. 2) she can only do your make up, she can't magically make you like your appearance. She can help you hide things you want to hide and enhance things you want to stand out, but

But she can't change how you look at yourself*

That's extremely insulting and unprofessional. What a bitch.