By Anonymous - 21/06/2012 17:43 - Canada - Toronto

Today, after having been constipated for ages, I finally forced out a week's worth of build-up. The excruciating pain reduced me to tears, and my boyfriend refused to drive me to the hospital, because according to him, I must have had anal sex with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 809
You deserved it 3 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunako_fml 9

You boyfriend is an idiot for assuming like that..

That's pretty bad for him to assume something like that.


I'd leave home and then text him to thanks his dad for helping you loosen up lol just to get under his skin...... Hope ur better

ganjaone 2

U deserve a better man in ur life sweet heart

I won't judge, he might have had a good reason to think that

Run fast and hard! This guy isn't trusting and with a comment like that one....can't be trusted.

What an ass I have gone to the neighbors for help

Try that after having stitches in your sphincter OP.

Levee44 9

That was the coolest comment. Natural birth? :)

Why would you need to go to the hospital? They're not going to tell you anything helpful and they'll charge you an arm and a leg for it. Just take some aspirin and apply heat and cold until it stops hurting.

JoseIsAdork 31