By Lisa - 19/09/2011 02:07 - United States

Today, after being dumped by my boyfriend of two years, I poured my heart out to my dad. He nodded and looked sympathetic throughout. Afterwards, I asked him what I should do. He replied, "How the hell should I know?" and awkwardly left my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 925
You deserved it 5 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Move on. I know it's hard but every breakup is one step closer to "the one". Think about this in a positive way. I'll admit that was kinda've a bitch move on your dad but it's not suprising.


EvilDave 13

He is just tired of saying "Just changed the damned batteries."

bubo_fml 10

It would be difficult for a Dad to suggest to his daughter to go out & have "rebound sex!"

It would be awkward for a dad to tell his daughter what to do where boyfriends are concerned. He is a guy after all ;) There's more fish in the sea anyway so go out and get hooked ;)

It's instinct for us I do this with any girl I wait a few seconds to hear topic if good I listen if not nod and look like in paying attention

why would you ask your dad something like that? at least he listened, my dad would have stopped me 20 seconds in, and told me to talk to my mom.

There isn't anything to do - move on.

10 - Yah, I was thinking the same thing. "Awkward" has been so overused to the point that it's lost its meaning, much like "epic."

Well atleast hes listened I guess. My dad would of said the same thing.