By dasnich - 05/02/2012 03:46 - United States

Today, after a twelve week dry spell followed by an eight week one, I decided to take a bit more initiative at seducing my girlfriend. Not only was she "not in the mood" again, but she offered me Trident Layers gum instead. She apparently thought that it was a fair trade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 787
You deserved it 5 398

Same thing different taste


LivingProdigy 0
desireev 17

I got a million ways to get it. Bring it back! Now double your money and make it stack! I'm on to the next one!

twaumat 28

soooo why are you with her again?

So, in girlfriend's mind sex with OP is as good as chewing gum? This may be a quality issue rather than a quantitative one...

Is there a hygiene problem you're not aware of? Perhaps she can verify this for you. If she confirms, make your dental appts and see if she will be supportive as you work to fix the issue. If she's just not interested, then you have some tough decisions to make. Either stay & br miserable or leave. You're not married (I don't think). Feel free to end it, and try to seek a woman who has a compatible sex drive to yours. Good luck.

not everything Is about sex, maybe your pressuring her too much, making her make you wait longer. my girlfriend does the same thing lol

Snafuusmc 12

Talk with her see what the problem is I'm sure your breathe has nothing to do with it. If so then brush! brush! brush! Or Gum.

That's Gumbelievable. Yes I know it's shit but I tried my best.

Clamcreepy 7

Just go to couples therapy to see what's going. if that's to much try really talking to her on a deeper level ,because I sure you tried to talk to her about sex. you just might have to go a lil bit further to see what's really the problem ,because women love sex just as much as most men. they just aren't as perverted about it like most men.

desireev 17

That's the wisest comment I've seen on this FML so far! A job well done! I commend you! :) *Round of Applause*