By Madmanmorton - 16/06/2011 18:34 - United States

Today, after a long night of drinking and partying, I woke up in my bed next to a beast of a woman. At least I know I made it home safely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 145
You deserved it 47 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse! It could have been a beast of a man!!

shameless58 0

with herpes and a head full of regrets!


oh cmon be nice! shes probably a good person if you talk to her! I'm not saying you have to ask her out or nothing but try and find something good in her and compliment her, make her feel like it wasn't only because you were drunk that made you take her home... sometimes a kind lie is better then a painful truth…

Yeah, until she starts stalking you because she thinks you're interested.

stevendsi 0

oooh sounds like rough fun ;)

did u discover the Sasquatch in your bed ?

textwork 4

that's why you don't go to the bar with those kinda girls....

flockz 19

is beastly ass hairy? cuz if it is then no it's not better.

Veraymix 6

Beastly women have feelings too.

perdix 29

Not so fast. If she regularly has one-night stands, you probably are harboring one or more STDs. On the other hand, if she rarely has sex, you probably just won yourself a stalker!

Give the woman some credit, she probably carried you home safely home. ;)

PandaFlavoured 0

lol. Guessing you were distracted and forgot what you typed for a second there? Happens to me all the time xD