By Sooz - 03/10/2013 01:18 - Canada - Abbotsford

Today, after 6 months of sex, my boyfriend showered himself with praise for managing, for the first time ever, to stretch the act out to a full minute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 404
You deserved it 5 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dodge4x4Ram 46

that's progress, support the guy

Talk to him about it if it's really a problem for you. Maybe he could get you off first, before he goes for the bronze. (I would say 'gold' but unless he was rocking your world in that minute, he doesn't deserve a medal.)


goliatron 9

He doubled his time?! That's no easy feat.

lots of foreplay is needed here....then no one can complain. :3

All I can say is don't work the boy to hard. It will get better one day.

icepick23 12

Try oral. For both of you. THEN go for bumping uglies.

well that escalated quickly...for him...

FHisLife would be more appropriate for his shortcoming and the fact his girlfriend announced it on FML.

It's will keep going longer and longer...