By morenita27 - 21/12/2010 01:52 - Canada

Today, a woman came to my counter and ordered 12 donuts. I said, "OK sure, a dozen donuts." She paused, looked at me with disgust and yelled, "I said 12, NOT a dozen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 490
You deserved it 4 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments


so? its not even bad?!? stop posting this crap

jcdiva7 0

Wow. She needs to be reeducated

hateevryone 14
kitkatcrc 0

The woman was right, a baker's dozen is 13.

7sevensevenseven 0

not a fml for u fml for her for being sooo stupid !

czalc 0

Wow. ******* retarded and a complete bitch. You should have took the doughnuts in back and spit on all of them.

katarina956 0
missbadluk 0