By Maria - 20/08/2012 13:25 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, a stranger came up to me with a flirty smile, greeted me by my name, and asked if I remembered him. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember, so I asked him to tell me. He promptly left with a disappointed look. He was the most gorgeous person I've ever seen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 811
You deserved it 7 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably met him on Chatroulette and don't remember. Awkward.


Serial killers of woman tend to be extremely attractive. Count yourself as wise!

Looks like you have a gorgeous stalker on your hands, OP.

Epikouros 31

Well, you'll remember him now!

bizarre_ftw 21

Extremely attractive epic-win troll! If trolling was an Olympic sport Estonia would have the gold

monkiki62 5

So much for playing along op. whomp. Lol and if he was that gorgeous to you howd u not remember?

perdix 29

You should have guessed "perdix" because it was probably me. I just use five earth-toned stripes as my pic because a real photo of me would cause an uproar, a panic, if your will.

I always feel terrible when I forget someone's name. It's not like we remember every single person we've ever met. I'm sorry, OP :( He should have just told you though, that's usually what people do instead of walking away.

wareagle18 2

If he was the most Gorgeous, you wouldn't have forgotten him.