By Maria - 20/08/2012 13:25 - Estonia - Tallinn

Today, a stranger came up to me with a flirty smile, greeted me by my name, and asked if I remembered him. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember, so I asked him to tell me. He promptly left with a disappointed look. He was the most gorgeous person I've ever seen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 813
You deserved it 7 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably met him on Chatroulette and don't remember. Awkward.


Were you at work and wearing a nametag? :P

caitiebug1119 15

Maybe he was just being a troll. It's on the list of things to do in Walmart while you're bored: Walk up to a random stranger and act like you know them.

Should have said in a flirty tone, "No one could forget you! *Batting eyes* We went to high school.... college together, right? I have the worst memory when it comes 'where' I know people... But I know I remember you!" Play it off, but continue on about old times mentioning random places and maybe it would eventually click. Even asking if they know an old mutual friend or acquaintance may have jogged your memory. Should have kept the conversation going despite lack of recall.

You deff should have acted like you knew him!!!! Maybe he was a one night stand you forgot about lol

Today, I caught my 37 years old female cousin kissing a 18 years old boy. FML

mrsmaglietta 6

That sucks but sounds super creepy at the same time

Yup shoulda played along until you got enough clues to put the puzzle together