By notworthit - 23/02/2010 00:53 - United States

Today, a guy I'd been seeing off and on for the past three years broke things off over a Facebook message. I replied, and told him that I was at least worth a phone call. He replied "Well, I'm sorry, I disagree." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 787
You deserved it 4 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*you're *and *with a *it's *because *there's *shouldn't *nowadays *can't *you *wasn't *right You know, it really doesn't take much effort to type those properly. ^^

Asstazztic 8


@73 She's been dating him on and off for three years and he replies like that so she probably is a very weak girl and keeps hanging on to him. Is there actually any need to ask wether she is a fool or not? YDI and just waisted 3 years of your love life, congrats

I agree with snickerdoodles. There was no future in this relationship, OP, if you were dating off and on for 3 years. I don't understand why you are upset about something that was a waste of time in the first place.

The__Redneck 7

It ain't your worth, it's his worth. He did it via message rather than phone call because he's a coward. Count your blessings you're not with that idiot anymore.

call him. someone could have hacked his facebook. also off and on relationships... i agree about not being worth the call. it happens regularly anyway. you'll probably be together again in 6 months.

I'd need much more information about your relationship to pass judgment. Who knows, maybe you did something wrong.

Jeez, you guys are vultures. Yes, if she cheated on him then SDI, but otherwise FHL.

That's natural selection. Deal with it...

pfunk129 1

who calls nowadays. it's either text or social website. get over it and move on.

pantherflb66 0

the dude is a funny mother ****** lo

gamergurl86 0

ugh. what a dick! I'm so sorry. :(