By fuckyouverymuch - 26/10/2013 19:48 - United States - Salida

Today, a friend sent me to a guy he knows who repairs various electronics for a very low price. Good news: he fixed my malfunctioning iPad. Bad news: it took me several hours to notice that he'd carved the words DOUCHE and HIPSTER into the back panel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 572
You deserved it 7 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pwnman 33

I think those words describe him, not you. It's his signature!

username53001 7

Your reaction must have been, "iMad".


Well, you know where he works. Spray paint "dickwad" on the hood of his car...

Put it in a case or take him to small claims court & the judge will make him pay for it! Good luck!!

he might be envious...I guess he is a Samsung user...!

even though I agree with the sentiment. that's just ill.

6 hours and 59 minutes carving and 1 minute to turn it off then back on!

On the plus sides thats felonious vandalism so you can sue him for a new one and possibly get him arrested.