By queerdragon - 26/02/2016 04:32 - United States - Redlands

Today, a friend located my stolen dog. It was sold to a family that has an autistic child. I was told by the police that I could have my dog back, but they think I am a terrible person if I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 563
You deserved it 1 754

queerdragon tells us more.

I did take my dog back. I have had Riot for three years, so he is a big part of my family. I have also started boarding him during the day or leaving him with a family member/friend. I am moving in a few weeks so hopefully, this won't be an issue that pops up again. Chip your dogs. It is a lifesaver. While I understand where the police officer was coming from (he has an autistic child) you don't sell a family member. Dogs have always been family to me. The kind of awkward part was the mother started crying, asking to buy Riot from me. She said he was so well behaved and they needed something to help their kid. She then kind of demanded I let her son come over to my house to play with Riot when he wanted to. I guess so she could tell her son that Riot was still his, but that he was just living with someone else. I told her no and said I didn't want to have contact with her again. She got mad. I don't think I left looking like a saint, but I am glad to have my dog back.

Top comments

So you should feel bad for having your stolen pet returned? Just because the kid's autistic? No, screw that. Take him back, he's yours.

whatarethisss 23

They can get a new dog. You've had this dog. You should get it back. If one their dog was sold to someone else they would definitely get it back. Dogs are family.


I'd just get a new dog myself. I'd be glad to see my dog making another kid happy.

Hooooly shit you obviously don't get what it is to have a dog.

me too and this story makes me hate them even more.

I have an autistic brother I help take care of. If my dog was stolen I'd take it back, and if I found out the dog I had just bought was stolen, I'd give it back. I might POLITELY offer to buy it, but would be fine with, and expecting, a no. I doesn't hurt to ask, but it does hurt to be an asshole about it. As for letting the kid visit, while that might sound like a nice idea at first, leaving after a visit without the dog could be very traumatic for autistic people. When my brother was little (3-4) a lady who worked with a local program would regularly come and bring her own toys to play with him. He HATED when she had to leave because she would take the toys. She ended up resenting this to the point of not liking her. To this day, at 20 years old, he still doesn't like her, even though he hasn't seen her in 16 years. He knows they were her toys. He knows that she was nice for sharing them with him. But the trauma of losing them is still too great for him to forgive. You made the right decision OP, on both fronts. And the mother seems like a real piece of work. I feel sorry for her kid.

embracingsilence 15

The people saying you should have let them keep your dog have obviously never had a pet. I've raised my cats from birth and if someone else stole them, I'd be heartbroken. There's no way I would ever let someone else keep them. Pets are family, and they're also like children. You don't owe that family anything, especially because you were out of the loop when your dog was stolen and sold to them.

I don't blame you! As bad as I would feel I wouldn't let the kid keep it. Or come visit. It's confusing to the kid and trying to revolve your plans around when the kid wants to come. It's not sensible.

Nope but totally sensible to the very selfish mom. I empathize but please everyone be reasonable...

Out of interest, how long did they have the dog for?

Take your dog back! even if the kid is autistic...

So glad you got your dog back. That police officer was way out of line for that remark. I might even complain about him/her. As you say dogs are family, you did the right thing. They could easily go into any shelter or rescue and find loving well behaved dogs that actually need a home.

Wow! My dog is my child, it would be like having my child kidnapped! Sounds like these people think of pets as a life accessory and not a family member.


That family can get another dog. Also you should file a complaint over the officer that made that remark- extremely unprofessional