By ashlan - 23/05/2014 00:54 - United States

Today, a customer left a Starbucks card in the tip jar at work. It was empty. I work at Starbucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 326
You deserved it 4 383

ashlan tells us more.

ashlan 13

Yes we get tips. It adds an extra few dollars an hour. Why wouldn't we get tips? We provide a service.

Top comments

HeadlessSparrow 20

I provide the service of bagging the customer's items as a cashier but I don't get tips!

hokie16 13

Yeah you provide a service, but you do make minimum wage, and on top of that there's no table service. Tipping is mostly a system for people who don't make minimum wage. I seriously don't mind there being a tip jar on a Starbucks counter, but you shouldn't expect tips because you take an order and make a drink for someone.


angelk19 22

hhhmm.. people also tip hairdressers, bartenders, tattoo artist, hotel staff, the guy who washes your car, nail technicians ext ext... and some of these professions are above minimum wage. It has been a long time since the only people who got tips are the people who bring food to your table..

and even then waitresses still get shitty tips when paid under minimum wage.

Why do waitresses, and waiters, get paid less than minimum wage?

Jobs that include serving alcohol generally pay less than minimum wage as far as I know.

Because, at least in America, tips in the field are expected...

It's not that she's expecting a tip, it's that they put an empty gift card into the tip jar. I mean, c'mon, they're trashing it at that point. It's just not cool.

Maybe they just dropped their card in the tip jar. Those plexi cubes are pretty wide. Customers aren't obligated to tip, Starbucks pays minimum wage, and if you give great service, customers often leave us the $0.05 change from their coffee. If you were being rude maybe they left you the card to make a point.

i agree it is nice to tip, and its good theres no expectations to get a tip, but honestly if you can't survive off minimum wage work hard to get a better job don't complain

Really? If they all did that, who is going to serve you your food? Who is going to bag your groceries?

And who is going to have time for studying and homework if in high school/college? You have to start somewhere.

People aren't really understanding this, while I read the comments and the FML multiple times now to understand it all. OP isn't expecting to get tips, they hope to get tips for what they do. And also, OP posted this for a reason, and it PROBABLY was because that customer got their hopes up by putting something in the tip jar. Then, OP found nothing. ITS NOT LIKE OP IS FOLLOWING THEM EVERYWHERE EXPECTING THEM TO TIP.

Oh please, ive been working in the service industry for 10 years, even a year and a half at starbucks. The work done there is not complicated nor is it labor intensive. Yeah it can get busy and there are some pushy customers, but the work done there does not deserve tipout. Go work at a restaurant and handle ten tables at a time or better yet work in a kitchen and handle ALL the tables and then receive NO tipout

Lol if you make minimum wage, stop complaining. There's a lot of people out there who can't even get that. The military works 20 times as hard as you do and still gets paid shitty. Let me know when you have a real excuse for a tip. We all need more money.

Are you kidding? People in the military get paid a lot of money.

Like they make at least six figures a year.

If you depend on tips to get by, maybe you should look into getting a better job instead of relying on other people to give you their money for pouring coffee.

What if there are no other jobs available? Or what if they're in school and need a part time job?