By ashlan - 23/05/2014 00:54 - United States

Today, a customer left a Starbucks card in the tip jar at work. It was empty. I work at Starbucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 326
You deserved it 4 383

ashlan tells us more.

ashlan 13

Yes we get tips. It adds an extra few dollars an hour. Why wouldn't we get tips? We provide a service.

Top comments

HeadlessSparrow 20

I provide the service of bagging the customer's items as a cashier but I don't get tips!

hokie16 13

Yeah you provide a service, but you do make minimum wage, and on top of that there's no table service. Tipping is mostly a system for people who don't make minimum wage. I seriously don't mind there being a tip jar on a Starbucks counter, but you shouldn't expect tips because you take an order and make a drink for someone.


AsianCookie247 14

Maybe the customer thought it was a mini trash can if there was nothing in it already and no sign? I've seen the tip jar at a lot of places, some Starbucks included, where the tip jars aren't labeled and just look like a mini trash jar/bucket for straw wrappers, etc. Just a possible reason to maybe help this guy not look like a jerk throwing his empty gift card in a tip jar right in front of you to make you think he was tipping you.

He sounds like an asshole, so treat yourself to to some free coffee at work!

Why would there be a tip jar at a Starbucks? Do you not get minimum wage there? Are you even allowed to accept tips?

ashlan 13

Yes we get tips. It adds an extra few dollars an hour. Why wouldn't we get tips? We provide a service.

HeadlessSparrow 20

I provide the service of bagging the customer's items as a cashier but I don't get tips!

hokie16 13

Yeah you provide a service, but you do make minimum wage, and on top of that there's no table service. Tipping is mostly a system for people who don't make minimum wage. I seriously don't mind there being a tip jar on a Starbucks counter, but you shouldn't expect tips because you take an order and make a drink for someone.

Hairdressers, that own their own salon, make their own wage, and still expect a tip. Explain that one to me.

why would a tip be expected. yes a service is done but then that is like saying we should tip walmartcfor ringing us up

draokc 9

Who doesn't provide some type of service. It's fine to have a tip jar and hope for tips. It's not ok to expect them.

uniformed 13

Just because a service is provided doesn't mean you should get a tip. that's what your wage is for. ydi.

angelk19 22

I work at Starbucks also :) and no we don't expect tips, but we do really appreciate it. most people who work in the service industry do make at least minimum wage these days but living on minimum wage is pretty hard. I imagine the OP would not have been annoyed about not getting a tip. its just pretty lame to put an empty gift card in the tip jar..

Shame on all of you, I too work at Starbucks, tips are not expected but they definitely help us out, we make such shitty pay there that the tips help me make it to my next paycheck. Also we work our asses off for you people, try working at a Starbucks, it's a lot more complicated than you think, on top of that, when you work there for as long as I have you start to memorize people's drink orders which help them get in and out quicker, not only do we provide a service we help make a community, we are their friends, oh and ps if you came to my store I do provide table service whenever I can.

ashlan 13

Exactly. I never expect tips. I would just prefer that people not put trash in our tip jar. Thanks for understanding #74!

ashlan 13

Thank you so much for your kind words. You are wonderful 76!

I get tipped sometimes, for carrying out groceries.

I like how u curse but I got a 30 day ban for it

Exactly! Name one job where some kind of service isn't being done! Even carpentry is some kind of service, do they deserve tips? I had been a waitress for several years and lived off my tips because I didn't make Minimum wage. I'm sorry because you did your job and poured some liquid in a cup doesn't mean you deserve a tip!

they don't get paid salary, depending on where they work. People do it out of kindness.

76, the job isn't much harder than working at any other fast food place. You're trying to make it sound a lot more complicated than it is.

Shitty pay? Working your asses off? You're making people a DRINK. It takes a couple minutes, at most? Im a waitress and I make $2.33 an hour. Thats a fraction of what you make per hour for 200 times the amount of work.

#92: Personally, I think that working at Starbucks is a little more complicated then just "making a drink." Mind you, baristas have to memorize all, if not most, of the recipes on the Starbucks menu to cater to all their different customers' wants at a fast pace.

@96, do you really call fast food cook a chef, and damn expensive coffee shop worker a barista? I am sorry but I don't think they deserve to call them that.

Are you a member of a union? Because if so, that's why you aren't allowed to take tips.

I have had the experience of working as both a waiter and a barista. Waiters make FAR more money on tips than baristas do. What you probably make in one night in tips, takes 2 weeks for a barista to earn. Also, baristas have to be up before dawn to make coffee for grumpy pretentious jerks. On a side note, check how much you earn. Although they only pay you 2.33 an hour, if your tips for that shift don't make you pass minimum wage, the business has to compensate the difference so that the least you earn the federal minimum wage of 7.25.

#103: The definition of "barista" is a person whose job involves preparing and serving different types of coffee. So therefore, the people who work at Starbucks are baristas.

That's not the same kind of service... You didn't make the products people are buying.

OP: T.I.P.S To Inspire Prompt Service.

I've worked at a restaurant and a coffee shop. It is definitely much harder making drinks, and I've noticed that people who have never had to work at a place like Starbucks seem to think it's incredibly easy. I just hope they never have to work there and see what it's really like. The tips are, in fact, very appreciated, but not expected. "But I do this job and don't get tips!" That's nice, but irrelevant.

how are they going to tell the difference between a 51% and 49% dollar bill?

We don't have tip jars in the Starbucks in town.

We don't have starbucks in our region as far as I know.

We don't have a country in our Starbucks.

#44: Beats me. I just read it in a book about that kind of stuff and thought it was interesting. I'm sure they have the technology to measure it. :)

I would imagine that they have VERY precise measurements for just that reason.

Koios 30

You need to have 1 full serial and at least 3 digits of the second serial in order to exchange it, not a specific %.

As a former barista, I can tell you how much this sucks. Starbucks employees rely on tips. We get paid minimum wage, and even if we don't GET tips, they're still claimed and taxed. Tips help us pay for gas and anything else that our paychecks don't cover. We work our butts off while making those drinks, and it's not as easy as it looks. Tips really do help, and in most other countries, it's added into your total. Why spend $4 and up for a custom made drink and not tip the underpaid, sleep-deprived, hard-working barista?

Kasanovastar 18

Tips are meant for those who don't make minimum wage. The idea is to make up the difference. A lot of people have trouble making their minimum wage stretch but have to anyway. Why don't they get tips then?

Dordanni 10

Starbucks baristas provide the same service as McDonald's employees. Take order, make order, hand order over counter, all for minimum wage. Tips are for people who wait on customers and take their food/drinks to them.

ThatFancyPenn 18

"it's a lot harder than it looks" No it's not. I've worked at an ACTUAL coffee shop and even there it's not hard to make a simple mocha. It took maybe a minute to prepare everything and then another 30 seconds to brew the cup. the only thing that's actually hard is not sitting down for awhile.

angelk19 22

#70 You have no idea what you are talking about

When you have a line of drinks wrapped, customers out the door, and only a total of 3 people on the floor.. It is hard. Most coffee shops aren't as busy as Starbucks gets during the rush hours. You literally have to run around in order to make the drinks in the appropriate time.

#63, how are your tips "claimed and taxed" even if you don't receive them? Do you understand how taxes work? You have to report how much you made. So if you only made $X... Why the hell would you be reporting $X + some undetermined amount of tips that you may have made IF someone left you that? Most Starbucks I've been in have cash-only tips, too, so it's entirely up to you to record and report how much you made in tips. Frankly if you're as strapped for cash as you're making out I don't know why you're reporting any cash tips at all.

The managers report the average tip amount to the government BEFORE we even get the tips. They normally write $2 an hour that gets taxed even if we don't make that. I do know how taxes work, and I also know how Starbucks works. You don't have to be so rude, we don't get to decide if it gets reported.. Our managers do that.

Thats so rude, rather have no tip at all then