**** McGee

By titillating - 12/03/2012 04:28 - United States

Today, on my way to work, I had to squeeze by a man sitting in a large truck parked next to my car. I was in a bit of a hurry and in my rush, the collar of my shirt got caught on his grill. My shirt ripped and I flashed the guy my entire boob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 928
You deserved it 4 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

btstig 11

The collar of your shirt got caught in his grill?Where you checking your teeth in his headlights?


Clamcreepy 7

I wish I was that guy at the time this incident happend

Why exactly are boobs so taboo to some women? I don't understand how some women will not hesitate to whip a breast out and breastfeed in public, but others think their lives are ****** because a guy caught a 5 millisecond glimpse. Can someone explain this paradox?

Breastfeeding is an entirely different ballpark. OP was also not breastfeeding and may not even be a mother. This is only a paradox if OP breastfeeds with no qualms in public and THEN this fml happened. Plus, people don't usually stare when you breastfeed but if some random dude sees your boobs then you would be mortified.

archenemybtch 0

That's not completely true. I would never breastfeed in public. I think that should be kept in private. I would also be embarrassed as hell if I accidentally flashed someone. I'm not ashamed of my breasts at all, I'm just very shy.

isis_morrigan 18

No paradox here, it doesn't bother me a bit.

That's because women who breastfeed don't just "whip it out" when their kid is hungry, especially in public. Most women have some sort of cover and if not, they're good enough at it to not flash someone - half the time, you wouldn't even be able to tell if a mom was breastfeeding vs. holding her baby. Breastfeeding is also a lot less common in modern society, seeing as people prefer formula to breast milk despite it being worse for the baby. It's a matter of convenience. Besides, there's a difference between flashing your entire boob and the little bit of skin you may see when someone breastfeeds. The way OP worded the FML, she made it sound as if her bra slid down or ripped off as well - it wouldn't be so bad if her bra hadn't moved, because then it would just be a bikini shot. It's still very embarrassing to have your clothes ripped or removed in front of a stranger!

I understand what you're saying, and thankfully my wife never breastfed our children in public. But very often I see women at a park, in a store, at a restaurant - wherever! - simply pull their breast out and start nursing their baby. I always feel very awkward for them, but it obviously doesn't bother them one bit.

Well, I find it odd that it is taboo. I'm from Argentina and its totally normal for a woman to breast feed in public. Nothing to be ashamed about.

Rachelrock21 6

Cuz not all women are the same... some may feel doing it in public is totally casual, while others may be horrified at the idea of it.

That suks for u... But for the guy he was probably thinking " free show"

Embarrassment for you but he won the lottery! Lol

Soon uh you always walkin around without a bra on?