Tiny Tim

By hmmmm - 13/08/2012 12:19 - Australia

Today, the condom slipped off, because my boyfriend refuses to admit that he needs to use smaller condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 313
You deserved it 5 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My only advice is next time you do the condom shopping lol. Just don't let him see the box so he'll feel like a big boy when it actually fits.


You should buy ones that fit and put them in the box of the ones that don't!! He will never know!

OP, don't listen to everyone telling you to go on the pill or get female condoms. Women have always been expected to take care of the birth control. Seriously stroke his ego, then right before sex, pull out the smaller condoms you bought. If he wont use them, no sex!

Wow. I dont have a big dick but I've NEVER had that issue!

you could just go buy some smaller condoms and put them in a condom box that says they're larger. then when he's like 'see! they fit perfectly' just smile & nod.

I am just saying. But all condoms are suppose to be the same. Really is no difference in size. I think you just need a better man, but that's just me no offense tended.

angel96cake 7

somebody cant accept the fact that he's little winny

Buy a smaller size and put in a box them in the same box as the old ones

Oops, it slipped off again. Guess we will have to go without...again :p

just use a vibrator until he learns his lesson or have anal sex

superfire 3

He'll grow into them promise