This is rage bait, surely?

By Sorry not sorry - 13/04/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, I found an old Bible in a box of my boyfriend's stuff. I despise religion, so I threw it away. He freaked out when he found out, screaming that it was a "family heirloom". I don't care if vile, hateful trash is an heirloom or not, I'm going to get rid of it. Deal with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88
You deserved it 2 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you are the lowest of the low. I'm not even religious but you have no right to throw anything away that's not yours especially when it's a family heirloom. how would you like it if some starts throwing away your stuff because they don't like it. I hope he dumps you. you deserve to be alone until you learn that you are not the center of attention.

angus 7

You idiot. I despise religion but it was not yours to throw away like a lunatic control freak.


totally agree with everyone else here. OP you suck big time.. I hope your boyfriend throws out whatever you have that you find important so you might understand how wrong it is.. though you don't seem like someone open-minded enough to understand it no matter what.. you're so locked in your own bubble. I hope your boyfriend gets out of this toxic relationship. sorry not sorry

mourka 5

the only vile hateful person i see in this story is you.

(Assuming this is not rage bait) And you really believe that your actions make you any better than the bible thumpers who persistently shove Christianity onto people as the "only thing to believe in"? Because this story is the best example of the pot calling the kettle black, and it's proof that religion isn't the problem, hate and intolerance are the problem.

Wow, what a complete, dripping, self righteous arsehole. Hope he dumps your awful attitude and finds a functioning person to be happy with.

Never Let Go 15

kinda sounds like you are the vile, hateful trash and he needs to be getting rid of you from his life..

Battousai124 6

The only vile, hateful trash here is you. While I agree that modern religion is only used as a front, you have no right to disclose of your partners belongings.

BrizBurry 9

why do you think you have the right to throw his stuff away? that could have had photos stashed inside or even just be the last thing he has of a loved one. that's incredibly selfish and doing exactly what you hate of the Christians actions. I'm not even religious and I know that was a dick move bro.

So you're going to throw vile, hateful things away and others are supposed to deal with it? Okay, I hope your boyfriend threw you away, then. I don't give a corn cob if you're religious or not - you do NOT throw away things belonging to other people for any reason. Didn't you learn that in preschool? You need serious help... and even that probably won't save you at this point.