This is awkward, guys

By Username - 19/06/2011 18:08 - United States

Today, I went camping with my girlfriend and best friend. They are now having blood-curdling sex in our tent. My friend is also my ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 247
You deserved it 7 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MAN THE **** UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. ( anger ended ) throw her shit in the fire and then when your friend drives you home pop him in the face when you reach your house.


This is what hapns hen you date ***** and have fake friends.

At least he is giving both of you a ride. It's only fair.

darthkane 0

god, you are such a loser. at least it seems that you won't reproduce. big relief. or maybe you could try man the **** up and stop being a pussy so than maybe your girlfriend won't jump on another guy's **** at her first chance

baseballlegitly0 2

hey he saved a life by *doing* this ;p

Furby200 0

Nigga don't act like BITCH!

dblue 0

how bout you go in there and beat his ass instead of typing this?

perdix 29

C'mon! You're in Texas. Use your chainsaw to fix your problems.

Just_Peed 0

how did that end up happening? go into the tent, punch bestfriend in stomach, **** her twice as hard as he was and leave. dump her ass.

Get a couple of marshmallows, roast them, and let the black and white victory drop onto their backs. Revenge really is sweet.