This Alpha male shit has gone toor far

By HBC - 10/12/2011 07:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend insisted that the dog stay in our bedroom while we had sex. He said it would prove his dominance, and "show the dog who's boss." My boyfriend needs to prove his self-worth to an animal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 527
You deserved it 5 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I display dominance over my dog simply by making her roll over so I can rub her belly, but whatever floats your boat.

When I began reading I thought the dog was going to jump in too. That would have been a worst fml.


hateevryone 14

omg! i hope you didn't have sex with him while the dog was there. pleeeease tell me you have some dignity.

Could be worse. He could try to demonstrate dominance over you by having sex with the dog.

Eh I see nothing wrong with it; people have strong relationships with their pets. I'd do the same thing.... my dog stays!

Philerup31 12

I would just get up and leave

jalupe 4

eh i didnt have to prove anything to the dog in my experience she would just walk into my room and me and my girl didnt really care so i would understand doing it in front of the dog but not to prove anything...

Give him the plush duck so he doesnt feel left out

Your boyfriend may be a closet furry. Maybe next time he'll ask you if the dog can join in.

Well humans are animals too so... what's the problem??

omggtfomi 1
Mirequetz 6

Being that he'd be dominating her, that might make the dog think that she is subordinate. That's just a stupid thing to do all around.