There's a time and a place

By Hanna - 03/04/2011 17:55 - United States

Today, while driving with my step mother, she attempted to have phone sex with my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 650
You deserved it 4 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While it's driving? You're right, great idea. What could possibly go wrong with getting out of a moving car? Dear God, are you trying to destroy my faith in humanity?

denvan 0

Wow your face must've been a Kodak moment.


Meg1Surf2Blonde3 0

Somebody turn on the RADIO!! fyl

FMLsOhilarious 6

Ew, yuck. That's disgusting. You should've thrown her phone out the window.

Meg1Surf2Blonde3 0

thre her phone?? I wouldce thrown her out the window!!!!

DaJavelin 0

Ur opposite of gross, more like yumm :) ^


...I hate how people call other people hot or yumm

you should have flipped that shit, made her feel awkward about doing that in front of you. as mentioned ask to join in, take an interest. if she likes it, meh, run with it and get some dirt on her lol ..

DaJavelin 0

Dude, Cat Awesome Looks :D

troll123456 0

should had bang your mom right there