The truth

By theynamedmeluke - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Austin

Today, I found out I was adopted when my drunk dad made a terrible Star Wars joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 881
You deserved it 2 941

Top comments

Harshdfml 14

I'm sorry op. 'may the force be with you'

Wow, now I'm rrally curious of how the joke might have went.


I seriously don't get this one... How do you know you are adopted by a bad joke?

C7_fml 17

sad that this isn't the first fml I've read that a father uses a star wars joke to tell an op that he is or isn't their father

Op, I am not your father. *Darth vader breathing*

InteresingMan 5

Did you find out when he said the joke or did he adopt you when he said the joke?