The truth

By theynamedmeluke - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Austin

Today, I found out I was adopted when my drunk dad made a terrible Star Wars joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 881
You deserved it 2 940

Top comments

Harshdfml 14

I'm sorry op. 'may the force be with you'

Wow, now I'm rrally curious of how the joke might have went.


Keattles 14

Luke, Guess Darth Vador isn't your father after all.

victoriaescobar 10
sandy105 3

*heavy raspy breath* 'Luke..... I'm... Not...your...father... '

At least you don't have to feel guilty regarding the incest

weby11 12
perdix 29

Was it the one where Darth Vader goes on the Maury Povich Show? "Darth, the DNA test has come back, and you are ... not the father!"

What was the joke! Need to have the punch line op but it's okay to be adopted now you can say I'm not from that messed up family