The strangeness of strangers

By Hank Gummyworm - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was working the register at our local McDonald's. After a strange man left a massive order, he said, "Can I pay you in gummy worms?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 507
You deserved it 4 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sensoon15 7

should've said yes. :) gummy worms are good

I would have taken the offer. Gummy worms taste so much better than money.


hippyhater3000 4

no one ever pays me in Yummy worms. (says the Asian guy in the background)

Fireking461 0

Your the retarded person in the world if you didn't take his gummy worms as payment

...Yeah, just because OP works at McDonald's doesn't mean he deserves such an idiotic customer. He's lucky to have any job in this lousy economy. Unfortunately McDonald's isn't the best job but at least it's something.

he shoulda paid in trident layers! Duh!

EpicFail1520 16

If you'd like your food uncooked, yes.

gellybeans 6

How is this an fml? He was obviously joking