The key to happiness

By Luke - 25/07/2010 22:47 - United Kingdom

Today, I was helping a friend move. Before we arrived, he put his key on my key ring to keep it safe. When we got there, he promptly shoved my front door key into the lock and snapped it clean off. Not only can we not get into his house, but now I can't get back into mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 883
You deserved it 4 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

good luck getting back into your house :D and your friend is a moron for breaking the key- you have to put a full amount of force to break it. I'd kill him if he did that to MY house key :p


andrew95_fml 0

well if you guys dont get why he "applied so mucb force" to physicaly snap the key its because when you insert a wrong key it doesnt fully turn so chances are your friend(the retard) thought his lock was being retarded and tried turning it really hard thus ur key being snapped but w.e call the cops they can actually help or call them and ask for like a locksmith number or some shit theyll help and btw FYL

torrlynn37 0

haha i didn't even notice 107s comment. that sounds about right, thankkkyou, and **** off to the rest of you. hahaha

I've snapped a key in half in a door lock before..And I was only 10. He doesn't have to be the hulk. That really sucks, OP.

[sigh] If the key is broken off in the lock you now have a door that can be unlocked with a flathead screwdriver. To remove the key, take the handle apart, pop the cylinder out and push the key out with something a dental pick or something. OR just replace the lock, they're not expensive. Knowing that there are this many stupid people on this planet is depressing.

Mate, get the **** over yourself and don't be such a high-and-mighty dick.

Just go in through the garage or a window?