The cycle begins

By seriously? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Pickerington

Today, I was trying to explain to my mom that I've been having panic attacks. I ended up having a panic attack from talking about having a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 123
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste


Most likely anxiety attacks, not panic. Panic attacks tend to occur out of nowhere and are incredibly severe, anxiety tends to be situational. I've had both, panic feels like you're dying.

poor thing. I have a gf that deals with that. it aint fun, can tell

Imagine OP in a dire situation, like facing a bear... "OP, DON'T PANIC"

Stay strong, OP. panic attacks are awful, I know, but you can overcome them if you face them.

This is when you deliberately plan 'do nothing and relax/read/yoga/run' into your day. Destress!

Well done, OP! Now you don't have to describe 'em to your mom, you can just demonstrate!! What a great but humiliating time saver you came up with!!

NOOOOOO? What gave you the first clue???

i use to get that too.. i started taking organic lithium and glycene for it..

From a professional point of view, it's not really surprising that happened. Visit a good therapist op (visist somebody who does CBT and not some psycho-analysis dude). Panic attacks (Panic disorder) is relatively well treatable (without pharmaceuticals). I hope that helped.