The cable guy

By fmerunning - 29/06/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, the cable repairman came to fix my cable, which has never worked well. The entire time he was talking about how much extra money he got the "fat bitch who moved here 6 months ago" to pay for her cable. I moved in 6 months ago. I was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 232
You deserved it 3 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

junkinmahcranium 0

I hate guys who call pregnant women fat. They're just disrespectful and obviously stupid.


Stevieebabyy 0

FYL. Sorry, sweetie. That just shows how stupid men can be. Fat bitch? Can't you usually tell when women are pregnant? Sheesh. You shoud've been like, "Fat bitch is speaking."

It's kind of hard to mix up fat and pregnant... They look different o.o

mynameisjohn19 0

Cable repairmen are idiots. You should have beat him up right there.

not much an fml. you should get your money back from last time though.

abyssion1337 0

why the **** are you complaining, now you have an opportunity to report him are you just that stupid you can't see the potential in a situation

Thats illegal You should report him then when he has to pay you back or something you should tell him whose the bitch now?

bettyboop274 0

What a jackass, sue his ass. This is FHL , does he NOT reconize the name? And **** him, for talking shit about a preg. lady. Sue the balls of that ******.

primogen18 0

report him, sue him, get cable for free.

I honestly hope you let him know that that was you, and also that he could leave immediatley and that you were going to report him. That is really rude!