The betrayal

By Anonymous - 01/08/2013 16:33 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, I found out via Instagram that my boyfriend didn't actually go to the Bahamas with his dad as he claimed. Not unless his dad lost weight, grew tits and long hair, and likes to make out with his son. They have no cellphone service, so I can't even call to break up with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 345
You deserved it 3 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instagram him a break up pic :) a sign with you giving the finger Clearly they have wifi access to post on instagram

sumbum95 15

Don't worry at least now you know he's a duche! You can do better!:)


Instagram that ****** a pic of the break up note!

Don't worry about breaking up with him. I'm pretty sure posting the pictures on instagram indicated his relationship status regardless of what you might add.

He is not even worth a call, especially if it means a long distance call. Treat him like he never existed when he comes back.

Break up with him on Facebook. If he doesn't have a Facebook page, create one for him.

Well then break up with him through via Instagram through comments. Be cold hearted bitch just like him. The asshole deserves it!

Send him a Instagram pic with some hot guy face between your legs... Pay backs a bitch and then some.....

kittykat1501 31

No. Just no. These things DO NOt belong on the internet

Bunny21 11

May I suggest handcuffing him to the bed then pretending to give him a handjob long enough to apply a generous amount of bengay on his tiny penis and balls. That should teach him and his tiny penis a lesson about cheating.