That's not my name

By noname - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Alexandria

Today, I found out that my fellow marching band mates all refer to me as "The short girl with big tits" because none of them can remember my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 676
You deserved it 4 566

Top comments

A lot of girls would dig that nickname, though. Or at the very least, just dig having big enough **** to be remembered by.

stevenJB 25


babyshaft408 8

Nice u have big boobs. Take a pic I'll be the judge

lizzzieee04 5

Thats marching band for ya. I was The Midvoice Girl with the Big ****. According to drumline at least.. XD

SpRiTzSpLaSh 7

I hated marching band season. Sigh. (Trumpeter)

Would you rather be known as a member of the itty bitty titty committee? Be happy with your body and enjoy your fun bags.

mine refer to me as "that wierd emo chick who has way too many panic attacks"

bobbos100 2

Pick a new hobby or just be happy they talk about your ****

wolfshadow 4
bozly 4

Sounds like marching band to me. At least they don't call you "fuckable"