That's entertainment

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was at work and I had to take a dump. Since I was the only person in the bathroom, I started singing, "I'm taking a poopy-poop poop poop poop." I was not the only person in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 488
You deserved it 65 362

Top comments


that's something a 3 year old who just became potty trained would do

texaschick2011 0

omg what I would have paid to have been in that bathroom to hear that!! Lmfao!!!

Ashley1721 0

yes because everyone starts singing when their alone in the washroom..

emodude44 0

Aaand bass vocals from Dolores, the creepy lesbian co-worker! Did she ask for your number after? You poor, poor soul.

COMEDY GOLD. Sorry OP. Something similar happened to me. Once I was in the bathroom and I decided to sing I AM A GUMMY BEAR at the top of my voice thinking it was empty. It wasn't. There were 2 other people in the bathroom. When I got out I blamed it on the 3rd person ;P

brittneyjai 0

What the hell Is wrong with you! Ahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahah