That one friend

By LeftOut - 13/04/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, I saw my friends talking about plans for later during lunch. I walked over and asked for the plan. My best friend of 12 years gently took me aside, and said "You know that person in each group of friends that is only around to be made fun of? That's you." I just got dumped by my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 083
You deserved it 4 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww, it's alright, I'm also that person. Honestly, who wants friends and all their drama :) And shall I say "first" to annoy people?

valuemeal2 1

Ugh. I've been that person before, and it sucks. FYL.


tatertot8284 0

I'll be your friend, okay? People are assholes a lot of the time but they are just insecure, you're in high school right? In their heads right now they are thinking that they are ugly and stupid and they are afraid people are laughing at THEM. They're not worth being sad over.

you truly should get better friends... And get to know them better so you know that you will not get treathed like that...

Yamamarro 0

Wow how cruel. But it's probably happened to most of us, myself included (freshmen year of HS). My suggestion? Meet new people like I did. I works. Trust me.

a_homeless_guy 0

i take it your name is brian? but seriously, those guys are assholes... sorry you have to deal with them

rwarlol 0

find someone worse and bring him/her into the group and start making fun of that person. it's the only way you'll be accepted in that group. personally, if they don't like you/respect you why hang out with them. you can make sock puppets.

Can't believe some people just YDI... but otherwise, yeah that sucks

shani__ 0


Dane Cook has this one joke where he talks about the friend that nobody likes -- that friend's name is Karen. It was also the first thing I thought of when I read this FML

haha #5 honestly that person in a group of friends who is around to be made fun of is the best person, any worthwhile person realizes that.