
By Anonymous - 24/05/2013 16:40 - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro

Today, my extremely religious father visited for a family dinner. My daughter had just one job: not to set him off on one of his easily-provoked rants. She nonetheless decided to take a photo in the middle of prayer, because she just HAD to Instagram her food. My father went apeshit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 396
You deserved it 9 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares what food she is eating? She should have been spending quality time with your family and not whipped out her phone. Sorry but she deserved it, you didn't. FYL

ElementaryEdGuy 18

#Spaghetti #Meatballs #Jesus. See, Instagram prayers. He just doesn't understand the youth.


I already hate people that Instagram their food for Every freakin meal but someone HAS to do it during prayer?? So disrespectful it's just sad..

She's a legend for doing the same annoying shit that almost every teen does during meals?

Your life sucks. She seriously couldn't wait until the prayer was over? What a brat, she deserved it.

He deserved it. People who go apeshit over tiny things that really don't matter at all are terrible. Besides, going ballistic like that shows an extreme lack of respect, in my opinion, and I only respect people who respect me in return. Respect, in my mind, is not something you can earn (or deserve) simply by being old. Though, if I were in her shoes, I would have gone about it in a more appropriate manner and just refused to share a table with him.

olpally 32

Your father is a nut bar. Tell him to calm the **** down. Religion shouldn't be forced down our throats like this. Jesus Christ.

KingCeltic77 18

"Talk like that is talk of the devil, lad. Not take it back before I hit you with my bible, or you'll go to hell for an eternity."

Do children always have to break the rules?

ileenefudge 29

Not all children break the rules. We all make mistakes and if you were to say you were a perfect child who always listened to your parents you would be lying.

Can I have the link to the YouTube video of the rant? I'm just assuming she probably did that too.

Hope she took a picture of your dad mid-rant and put that on instagram too.

KingCeltic77 18

I can totally see why he went apeshit. I'm sorry but food is for eating not for the Internet. Unless there is something REALLY special about the food like its one of those Cake Boss cakes, that was unnecessary.