Suspicious minds

By abusedparrot - 24/08/2014 12:40 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, the police knocked on my door, saying that they needed to investigate my house for animal abuse. Apparently the neighbours called, reporting a "screeching bird in pain". I have no bird, but I have been singing quite loudly recently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 250
You deserved it 6 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just play it off cool, "Ya officer I was practicing singing for my metal band."


Now you know not to sing around people on the bright side (:

That's the dimmest bright side I've ever seen.

LostInTheZone11 29

Am I the only one having a flashback to the opening of Band Geeks from Spongebob?

PoisonOrchid 21

Hahaha that was the first thing I thought of lol oh the joys of parenthood!!

That happened to me too, only my uncle called me a dying cat.

tony1891 22

Simon says your Voice is absolutely dreadful.

Good thing you weren't cooking a chicken.

Birds are gorgeous sounding animals! So what if you sound like one.

Says the person that's clearly never listened to a macaw or other large bird screech incessantly for an hour or more. We aren't talking about the sweet tweet of a robin outside your window... We are talking deafening nails on a chalk board.

I also think that "screeching birds in pain" sound gorgeous.

Would you call a vulture, "a gorgeous sounding animal"? We don't know which kind of bird OP sounds like.

Considering they called the cops... I'd argue it's safe to assume it wasn't the rockin' robin going tweet tweet tweet.