
By bopbop - 20/05/2009 01:21 - United States

Today, my brother came out to our family as being gay. My mother starting crying because she "wanted grandchildren." I told her that I was planning on having children. She started crying harder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 070
You deserved it 4 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

junjouromantica 0

What a bitch, for crying for both reasons.


coffeennicotine 0

I don't understand why parents think they can decide for children if they are to have children or not. So what if you want grandchildren, you don't have to raise them, your kids do. And if they don't want children, then don't have a fit.

It's more F your brother's life. Your mom is very selfish and ignorant. She clearly doesn't realize that he can adopt.

Gay Males can still have kids. he could adopt. or he could have a friend carry the baby. Having Grand kids doesn't neccasarily mean a male and female conceiving, it doesn't have to be just biological. I think your mother is very ignorant.

Lol @ the fag defenders. Freaks should be kept in the circus. That poor woman wasted years of her life raising a child that turned out to be completely useless to humanity.

Shannn 0

@#10 Are you implying being gay is like being hit by a car? Being gay is great, I'm sure. I mean, I like being straight. I'm sure gay people like being gay. Also, OP, gay people can have children. :3

That sucks if my brother, kids when i have them, or someone i know was gay or came out i would strap them to a chair and force them to watch **** for like 3 hours

I don't get what the big deal is. It's not like they're a completely different person. So they like the same sex that they are? Who cares? I don't understand why it's made into a miniature soap opera. It's a good thing that your brother came out, but your Mom must have made him feel like shit. Plus, she must have made you feel like shit after crying when you said that. Tch... She should be grateful that she has kids who love her.

strawberryswirl 0

Exactly what everyone else said. Your mother is a selfish ****. Those who say "blah, blah, initial shock" should also just shut up - I most certainly wouldn't cry if my kid came out (if I wanted kids, which I don't). I'd be endlessly supportive and loving, because god knows most of the world won't. #80 is Exhibit A. Hey #80, I'd say a lot of gays are much more "useful to humanity" than many idiot heterosexuals who continue to reproduce. However, OP, this was not about you. You picked the wrong time to say something.