Superanty Man

By Anonymous - 02/03/2020 03:30

Today, I met my father-in-law for the first time. He went on a big rant how men are superior intellects and women contribute nothing to society. Ironic, as it took me, a woman, 30 seconds to notice it's biologically impossible for him to be my husband's father. After 33 years, both he and my husband haven't figured it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 733
You deserved it 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Genetics can be very complicated. "Although it is uncommon, parents with blue eyes can have children with brown eyes. The inheritance of eye color is more complex than originally suspected because multiple genes are involved." Still it's worth wondering.

how did you not meet your father in law before? not even at your wedding? weird.


You are of course assuming that the father didn't know...

MoonMint 4

I want to know how you figured it out!