Stuck with you

By Lance - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my headphones were broken, so I fixed them with Super Glue. Without thinking, I stuck them in my ear and listened to some music. When it came time to take them out, I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 184
You deserved it 53 965

Top comments


bekaaaa 0

you have shamed all of Texas.

bekaaaa 0

how can anyone not say you totally deserved it?!

heartlessagony 0

Did u forget there was fricking glue on it?????

Dumb ass... as well you can always take them out, glue and flesh don't mix too well. Just rip your ear skin off!

Fabby_fml 2

Whenever I see "without thinking" on an FML I click YDI and move on. THINK.

Agreed. Hit YDI as soon as I see "Without thinking, I..."

astleast you did not eat the glue but either way ydi

Twin_Uzis 0

I call fake because that would burn like hell.