Stuck with you

By Lance - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my headphones were broken, so I fixed them with Super Glue. Without thinking, I stuck them in my ear and listened to some music. When it came time to take them out, I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 184
You deserved it 53 965

Top comments


worth it for the story, haha! Hope you're ok :)

devilshell000 0

come on man that's just retarded. 

Twin_Uzis 0

I call fake because that would burn like hell.

Smart. If it's to the point that you're using glue, I think it's time for a new pair....

karollessthan3 0

this is either fake, or op is dumb. cos he says he put glue on his headphones (which go around your head) and then he says he stuck them IN his ear (earphones?!)... either way op needs to quit being bitchy and cheap

Idk, Every one I know calls their earphones by the name of headphones. Not to say that the OP isn't dumb for doing this xD

slaveowner190461 0

ur lying because u woulda felt the superglue