
By jewel87 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I wore my Ugg boots to work. I forgot that my office is carpeted and that the fur in my boots makes me shock every metal thing I touch. I work with computers all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 933
You deserved it 36 500

Top comments

yakturk43 0
capthavoc123 0

You deserve it for wearing Uggs. There is a very good reason why they are called "Uggs".


DeeMew 0

Totally and completely deserved - you only got shocked while someone had to die for you to have those boots

ydi for having uggs. ugg is short for UGLY!

C00kiez 0

So..Just take them off. Common sense.

adaliapeace 3

You deserved it for buying Ugg boots in the first place. Those things are ugly... but at least they're properly named.

ZippyPoo 0

YDI for being a cruel bitch and buying boots made of dead sheep

secretvampire13 0

i agree with #2 for wearing the 2nd ugliest shoes next to crocs

so what? I doubt your opening the computers and fixing them especially because you for got you work with them... the only part of the computer your probly gonna touch is the PLASTIC keyboard or PLASTIC mouse

and plus almost all computer technicians wear a grounding bracelate so it wouldn't matter... dumbass