By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while cleaning out my garage, I found a pregnant spider. I couldn't step on the spider without releasing the baby spiders, so I went inside to get a glass jar to trap it. While trying to relocate the spider, I accidentally stepped on it. I now have a bunch of baby spiders roaming around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 996
You deserved it 7 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason I read this as "I found a pregnant sister" it was way cooler that way.


yummycupcakegirl 0
christa953 12

it's perfect for Halloween!!! muhahaha

Sam_13161821 0

Why are you freaking out...? Its your garage, not your house. I have spiders all over my garage. & other stuff too. So does everyone else I know.

I agree with 19. unfortunately you're an idiot. spiders don't give live birth rather, they lay eggs. Liar....

Spiders do not work that way. You fail biology forever, OP. In other words, FAKE!

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Holy ******* shit, people. Uhh duh.. kan spyderz qet preqnent? Okay, so I heard, there's this new thing called the Internet. Yeah, sick name, right? Well, on it, you can check out cool facts and actually ask it questions. AND IT ANSWERS THEM. I kid you not, people. So, I encourage you ignorant folks, who have no idea about the processes different spiders go through to make babies, to check out this so called Internet (specifically Google) and maybe learn something.

internet is full of useful info, but also contains a lot of BS too.

Oh, the irony of making that statement on this website...

everlife_333 3

u should have just drowned the spider in boiling water or set it on fire

Now they're going to be seeking revenge on you for killing their mother. You're ******, man.

Hello. My name is Wolf Spider. You killed my mother. Prepare to die.