Sorry Sweaty

By 4th woman to cheat on me - 21/05/2024 17:00 - United States - Oakland

Today, my ex-girlfriend got really mad at me because she said all men treat her like a whore. She even got upset that she thinks that I might think of her the same way. I couldn't help but to laugh in her face, because she cheated on me with said men and the fact is that she's right. I'm sad, but It's done Sweetie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What do you mean f your life? That's the best revenge EVER!!

What she did is horrible. But I can't help but feeling sorry for her. She obviously has some self esteem issues, and deal with them in the wrong way.


What do you mean f your life? That's the best revenge EVER!!

What she did is horrible. But I can't help but feeling sorry for her. She obviously has some self esteem issues, and deal with them in the wrong way.

Wadlaen 23

I'm sorry that you've got a girlfriend like this, but since you're still with her, you probably love her, but having said that, when she behaves like a ***** z I don't think she should be offended just because she gets a meeting with reality

Well, if the shoe fits... truth hurts, sweetie.