Social skills

By justfired - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got fired from my job for not "interacting with customers." That's understandable. The thing is, my job didn't actually include any customer interaction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 962
You deserved it 3 248

Top comments

This will be weird shit if he is a mortician or something like that

jchansfan 0

You should complain, I don't think its legal to fire people for a bogus reason like that... :/


mekeskidi_fml 0

warehouse worker, factory worker, policeman, etc.

Poke_my_mon 0

This will be weird shit if he is a mortician or something like that

Im Amrikka they can fire for ANY or NO reason at all actually.

hey, at least they told you to your face. my job just stopped giving me shifts so i quit. it was only a few months into a new job that i found out that my previous boss had told my new boss when she called for a reference that i didn't interract with customers. FYL though ps. to the people above, there are plenty of jobs that don't interract with customers, i'm thinking OP could be a chef at a restaurant, if it's something in a customer-related environment but which doesn't require him to actually interract with customers

unless the one you are firing is either a minority or a woman, cuz that will get you a lawsuit...

technically you can't fire people for any and every reason you have to have a somewhat legit reason for firing someone otherwise you could get hit with a wrongful terminations suit because as we know america is the land of the lawsuit from what i hear california is one of the toughest states to fire people because of their laws.

That isn't true. As long as you don't state a reason that is discriminatory, you don't have to state a reason for termination at all in an at will state.

LemonFairy 0

CLEARLY YDI for not talking to the cabbage enough!! :O :P

hollisterlover64 0

@ 15, please learn proper grammar and spelling or at least how to spell American. People like you are the reason Americans are considered stupid.

Agreed. Everyone thinks us estranged idiots, and it doesn't look like you're doing a damn thing to help it.

Haha wow, you're also one of the reasons on why we think Americans are stupid, there is no language called American, it's called ENGLISH.

GR3453m0nk3y 4

Lakus, 1. "they" actually are considering changing the name to American 2. No one said that we speak "American" HollisterLover64 was just pointing out that #15 didn't spell that actual word- America right so **** you

24 if your 2nd point is correct then they spelt it wrong too, try not to get too angry huh.

Spelt is a type of wheat. "Spelled" is the thing people do when typing a word.

& #29, why not you try to be less ignorant? The British spell 'spelled' as 'spelt'.

I could be pedantic and say what people actually do when typing a word is 'SPELL' but I think I'll just move on instead. Oh wait.

Actually, both are correct forms of the verb "spell" in the past no.

lem0n_fml 0

Holy shit. How many ******* times are people going to say IT'S NOT SPELT, IT'S SPELLED. You look like a dumbass. Both are correct. Shut the **** up already. You fail at being a grammar nazi. That's sad.

Do any of you pedants know what 'www' stands for? It's World-Wide Web. As in "people other than Americans can use it". You idiots insisting on Americanized spelling are one of the reasons the world thinks Americans are stupid.

" least how to spell American. People..." would properly be written " least how to spell 'American'. People ...". The way it's done originally, 'American' is a noun, as in " least how to spell [in the] American [language]. ..."

#37: People change languages to their liking. An example would be that Spain is the only Spanish-speaking country that uses the "vosotros" verb form commonly. I don't think it's fair to Mexico, for example, to have to start using that form if they don't want to. Also, I find it funny that you used the word "Americanized" rather than the form that's more common in British English, "Americanised". Used the letter "z" to replace the "s" in "-ised" is a trend that started in the US. And no, I won't pronounce it "zed" just because everyone else does. I'll do as I'm used to and have been raised to do. It's one of our adaptations. Pointless, but it still exists.

#43 >> used the word "Americanized" I am American, with my early childhood and education in Canada. To this day, "ise" looks right to me and "ize" does not, but I tired of *that* fight a long time ago. I'm indifferent to 'color' vs 'colour', but 'programme' is just wrong, IMO.

xxCFHxx 0

See, the thing about America is we don't give a flying **** about the rest of the world. That's why we drive on the right side of the road, our horsetracks turn left, and we spell things different. America's its own little world, metaphorically, so we do our own thing. And its just a few assholes who make the rest of the world hate us and think we're retarded (George Bush, Jessica Simpson, and other assorted dumbfucks), even though we have the highest literacy rate of any country, the most college diplomas per person, and the highest income, too. Basically, the attitude of America is **** the world.

we don't have the highest literacy rate in the world.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Iceland has the highest literacy rate in the world. But they don't have a very high population, either.

#55 - We *don't* have the highest literacy rate in the world, about half the advanced degrees currently being awarded are going to non-citizens, and we *do not* have the highest per-capita income. We *do* have more people in prison per capita, one of the higher teen pregnancy rates, and it's not "just a few assholes" that make non-Americans dislike us. Try reading "The Ugly American". We are collectively the big, dumb cousin to the British soccer hooligans.

I haven't checked recently, but I think Luxembourg has the highest per capita income. The U.S. is number 6 or 7 on that list.

0 3

Maybe he meant to spell it AmeriKKKa seeing as how the U.S. founded the KKK

Well, complain to your former boss, ask him what he meant. Writing an FML won't help you!

Everyone within the business you interact with is a customer, not just external people you provide goods or services in exchange for money.

wazdog 4

Some more detail would've been great.