Snitches get snitches

By komp6390 - 28/02/2010 13:16 - United States

Today, my roommate and I got charged $100 for having a cat in our apartment. I was only babysitting the cat so my neighbors wouldn't get caught and fined. We got caught because my roommate reported the people downstairs for having a noisy dog, so they reported that someone else in the building had a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 207
You deserved it 30 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI, but I'd hold a grudge against your roommate and the people downstairs.


Grammer Nazi? Seriously? That's so freaking disrespectful.

monkiki62 5

Dogs are not better all animals are great. Also ydi because your roomate is a lame ass tattletale. How stupid can you get.

bronzewolf2 7

Fyl because your roommate is an idiot, but ydi for the situation itself

You're an idiot you could've told them to put then in a kennel

well don't be a snitch that's all I can say