
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Piscataway

Today, I asked a traffic cop if it was okay to park my car briefly in a 'Monday to Friday only' parking spot, since it's Saturday. She politely replied I could. I came back less than ten minutes later, only to find a parking ticket stuck to my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 470
You deserved it 17 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She said you could park there not that she wouldn't give you a ticket.

BeMyLove15 10


upallnight11 19

What do you expect? #1: Never trust those damn cops.

and crap like that its why I rarely trust cops

tmmundy 17

She sounds like a total dumb ass.

The cop was probably one of those people on parking wars-new jersey. She just wanted to look cool on TV by letting you park there, then giving you a ticket.

lvlegabyteme 4

Rules are rules, and you're not special. Park in a legal space and you won't get a ticket. Common sense.

hiandrews69 29

What a twat. If someone is trying to follow the law, by asking where it's suitable to park, you don't be a twat and lie about it...