Smells like teen shit

By great 1st impression - 25/05/2014 16:09 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents for the first time over dinner. I had to use the bathroom part way through, and ended up taking the foulest dump of my life. I cracked open a window on my way out, but my boyfriend's dad went in soon after, quickly retching and booming, "What the fuck?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 961
You deserved it 7 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cardinal rule of dating: never take a dump at their house the first time you're there.


rock_stud 9

You should invest in "Poupree"

This is why I carry a book of matches. sometimes you have to light more than one but somehow it takes away the "knock you on the ground" kick. The next person to go in will notice the match smell but no matter how raunchy your shit was they can't smell it. Hope this tip helps in the future. And I agree with many others, that father is a ******** for making an issue out of something like that. Good luck if his being your in-law is in your future.

shouldn't of left til it had the all clear

Poo-Pourri is an awesome "accessory" to carry with you for times like that

I can't fart or poop at my boyfriend's parent house. I made excuses to leave head over to my brother house just cause I forgot something or go to store to buy drink or candy actually use restroom store. I can not fart front of my boyfriend even we live together and have baby together too.

kittycat69 5

Burn a forest or a match xD

simple solution carry matches with you the smell from striking the match covers crap smell. idk tho some craps you have to strike multiples

These are the stories that make me scared to ever go to a boyfriend's house

Confidentkid 10

The question is do they know it was you?