Small world

By ShouldICallYouDaddy - 30/04/2016 11:49 - United Kingdom - Grantham

Today, I discovered that the "hot, slutty, woman" my roommate has been dating is my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 335
You deserved it 2 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The answer to the question in your username is yes.

I hope you found out when he introduced you and not at night...


Today on things that never happened

hopefully you didn't realize this when he was showing you pics she sent him.

Iwannarock1 19

or when you heard her moaning through the wall.

oh the stories I'm sure OP wishes he could unhear now that he knows the truth!!

Next time she's there for a romp, I'm such you could get your dad to visit....

TMO2142 25

I'm guessing the mom has not been to their apartment because she would probably know where her son lives